Well Simon is really enjoying his cast free freedom.... and so are we as a family. But maybe alittle too much! Together with the wonderful weather have been many opportunities to be very active outdoors and we have! We put the training wheels on Simon's two wheeler (which we had taken off because he can practically ride it if he were only alittle taller he could stop and get off it). We've read it's great exercise with Perthes to ride a bike. He is thrilled and has been riding 100 miles an hour everywhere. Then he started limping a few days ago. Oops, maybe a bit too much riding. But we don't know if this is really a bad thing (his hip is working, moving in the socket... that is suppose to be good!). But we backed off a wee bit the last few days and his limp is almost not noticeable. He is now able to run which he couldn't do the first 10 days post cast. So that's another workout for the hip. We are just hoping that this is all good and will result in a good outcome, despite the limping. We have been told that the limping is due to inflammation usually and from over exertion - not necessarily that the disease is going south...
So we wait and see. Looking forward to the June 6th appointment for a teeny piece of any information to think things are going well. In the meantime we are enjoying the good pre-summer weather to the MAX and making the most out of everyday and having FUN!
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