We took Simon's training wheels off his bike today and he was riding it alone within minutes around the track! We pretty much knew he could as he has been on a balance bike for over a year. However, he is so little for his age, he really can barely put his feet on the ground to stop.... so we are still working on that one. We were going to wait a few months to take them off to give him "bike therapy" of just pedalling around, but at a family outing yesterday he went 90 miles an hour trying to keep up with his older brother and cousin and I thought he was going to tip over for sure and break an arm - or worse! So I thought - those training wheels are coming off - now! He is very proud of himself, and his big brother Sebastian was a great help in cheering him on and "pretending" to race him around the track. I will have to bring the video camera the next trip to the track.
He is of course still limping. A bit more today and I think it is the bike riding. I think I'll email his MD to see if this is adversely affecting his hip joint or if the ROM is just causing inflammation, but helping him in the long run keep his ROM. He is happy, so I'm not over ly worried. But don't want to jeapordize his hip recovery at all!
Our main issue right now is actually his eczema and itching - which is causing him to wake at night. This can be a seasonal thing, but we are always taken off guard on what to do when it flares - maybe once or twice a year. We always have to reassess - are we using the right soap? shampoo? laundry detergent? dish wash detergent? EVERYTHING! Our house is already de-chlorinated and that helps. But he has been swimming more for therapy, so that could also be the culprit. Hard to know. We are going to try him on daily zyrtec - which is for allergies and see if it helps him. But those meds usually just make him over hyper - something we don't need! So we will try it for a week and see what happens.
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