I never realize how wonderful the disabled parking cards were.... until now. I feel more guilty than ever for that annoying feeling I would occasionally get in the past when all the parking spots were full at Target lets say - except there would be several empty disabled parking spots free. I'd have to park more than a block away... in the rain... two small kids.... seemed like a pain.
But now I realize how much these parking spots allow people to get out and about. I don't know if I would go out with Simon as much as I do if I did not have a temporary disabled parking permit. Today we went to Ben and Jerry's ice cream in a very trendy part of town with very little parking and we were allowed to park right in front of the shop! We usually have to walk blocks and blocks. We have made several quick trips to the grocery store as well because I knew I could easily find parking and get in and out without a hassle (especially now when it's raining so bad and I can't get his cast wet!)
The nice thing about parking in these spaces is that there is usually a space next to the spot for loading into a wheelchair (or stroller) where you are not in risk of getting hit by another parking car.
How do you get one? It's easy. Go online to your state DMV and see if you can download the forms. They are fairly easy to fill out - though you do need a doctor's signature. In Oregon, we needed to bring the signed doctor form to any DMV office and we got the disability plaque immediately. Be sure you have your doctor put their license number on the form! I've heard that some DMV's won't accept it without. Ours is good for 6 months.
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